Owen went to his 4 month appointment on Monday, 21st. He is doing well and is on track with his development. He was 25 inches long and 12.6 lbs. He was in the 50% for height and only 10% for weight...tiny guy:) The doctor wasn't worried about his weight and said he'd catch up eventually. He got 5 shots and an oral vaccination. Talk about a sad baby. He was fine once the the shot was over. The doctor said we can start Owen on solids (baby food) any time now. He gave Owen a silver spoon for this special occasion. We are still hesitant to start him, we don't want him to grow up.
Owen continues to amaze us everyday. He has started transferring toys from one hand to the other, he still loves to have his hands, toes, toys, towels and whatever else he can find in his mouth. He has been rolling from side to side more often, but still hasn't completely rolled over yet. Nearly every morning when Greg or I go to get him out of bed, he is no where near the position we left him in the night before. When he rolls from side to side he inches his way around. Most of the time he has done a 180 degree turn and is facing the opposite direction we put him in, or has done a 90 degree turn and instead of laying horizontally he is vertical in the narrow part of the crib. He has also discovered his voice and loves to babble. Every once in awhile, he will use the sounds "ma" it is fun when he does that. He recognizes Greg and I, whenever he sees us he gets a huge smile on his face. Nothing beats that feeling. He is such a fun little man and we love being with him. Both Greg and I are already thinking about how hard it will be to go back to work in just a few weeks. It's hard to imagine that one person can bring such joy and love into your life.
*sorry the video is so grainy, I had to take it on my phone. Every time we get the camera out he stops "talking", because he is so interested in the camera.
Such a cute little guy! His talking is adorable, too. Fun stuff!
I can't believe he's already 4 months old. If it makes you feel any better, Ryan didn't really start solids/baby cereal until he was over 5 months old. He didn't even care for it until he was closer to 6 months old.
4 months?!?! that can't be possible! let's get together before you guys start up back to school! he is such a cutie you guys! luv cami
So, has he tried any solids yet? Also, I would love to make his cake if it meant I was actually in the same place as you. I wish! Who knows...maybe we'll have a miracle in the next 7+ months that will get me there. :)
Should I be embarrassed that I make so many comments on your blog? Oh well, here I go again: please update. I miss you guys and this is my only way to "see" you. Love you!
Me again...
Happy Anniversary the other day! I hope you two enjoyed yourselves. I hope everything is going well, too. I still miss you and want to hear and see more of what's going on. I'm begging here...update please!
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