Sep 18, 2008


I don't even know where to start, other than the last 3 or 4 months (ever since my last post) have been incredibly busy!...(If you look at the post date, you can see it has taken me over a month to put this post together.) Greg and I purchased a home..YEAH! However, up until the closing day we weren't sure if we were going to get the home. The owners had another mortgage on the home that got bypassed somehow. The bank said they wouldn't accept our offer. We had to be out of the home we were renting by September 1, and we found that out around the 2nd to last week in August. As we were frantically deciding what to do, they called us the last week of August with a closing date for that week. We moved in with Greg's parents for 2 weeks while we did work on the house. Other than the ceiling, if you see paint, we painted it. It is nice to know all the walls are clean and our own color choice, but it was a pain in the @#?!. We also ripped out the floors in both bathrooms and the kitchen. We had tile put into the bathrooms and Pergo floors in the kitchen and entryways. After we moved into the house, it took us a good three weeks to get the boxes unpacked. Between our school schedules on the weekend and our work schedules, it seemed we never had time. It is so nice now to finally be unpacked and settled. There are no decorations and we still need furniture for the living room. But, we are in a home of our own, and we love that! (We'll post new pictures of the house, when and if we ever get around to making it pretty.)

Kitchen Before

Kitchen After

Living Room Before...Greg's mom and Owen ready to paint!

Living Room After....someday we'll get furniture

Owen's Room Before

Owen's Room After

Family Room...we just put a fresh coat of paint in this room, same color

Master Bedroom Before

Master Bedroom After