Mar 2, 2009


For all of you who are wondering, Yes, we are still alive! To say the least I just can't seem to keep up with it all, work, school, motherhood, fun, friends, facebook, and blogging. Something has to give, and well, it has been the blog amongst most other things these past few months. I'm sure most of you want the update on Owen, he is doing great! He is getting so big, my last post, in October YIKES, he was barely mobile from what I remember. You can't keep him still now. We call him our little monkey. He is crawling like a speed demon, he pulls up on anything and everything. He does laps around the couch and his crib. He is getting brave and even trying to stand by himself. We are suspecting sooner than later he will be walking. Then we'll really have to watch out! He has discovered the stairs. It has become a favorite past time of his to go up the stairs (he still hasn't figured how to come down without falling). He can wave bye-bye, clap his hands, and do the sign for "more". He says ma-ma and da-da, we're pretty sure he knows what it means. Owen absolutely LOVES Greg, every time daddy walks into the room Owen races over to him, and when daddy leaves the room I'm pretty sure our neighbors can hear Owen scream. Along with the positive developments come the bad...Owen has discovered how to throw a fit when he doesn't get his way. He becomes a rag-doll and flings himself around while screaming. Loads of fun! Some of Owen's favorite things right now include: Baby Einstein Videos, real bananas, daddy, reading books, walking with his walker, going for walks outside, his puppy blanket, and anything he can put in his mouth. Owen's dislikes are getting his diaper changed, vegetable beef baby food, and getting his fingers dirty. Owen has two bottom teeth and one top tooth. We are still in disbelief that he will be a year in less than a month. We can't image our lives without our little man.

Greg and I are also doing fine. Greg finished his classes for his graduate degree in December. I will finish in May, we both have our commencement in May. We are so excited to have this part of our life over. We want our weekends back. We continue to stay busy with work. Greg is teaching 4th grade through the end of the year, and then who knows? Due to budget cuts he is not getting renewed:(

I'm posting a bunch of pictures starting with Christmas to the most current ones we have. Enjoy!!

Owen on Christmas

Is he the son of teachers or what? He loves his books!

Munchin' on a treat

Army Crawl

Splishin' and splashin' with my monkeys

Just hangin with my toys

Owen watching Baby Einstein

Making the house my own

Happy Family