Two days after his 6 month appointment, Owen got pink eye, accompanied by a cold. This was difficult for Greg and I. We went from having a baby who has always been a good sleeper, to a baby who woke up several times a night (this also lent itself to us not getting unpacked). After 3 weeks of Owen not sleeping through the night, we'd had it! We took him to the doctor and his little cold had turned into a sinus infection. We started the antibiotic that day, all three of us slept through the night:)
Owen has become quite the mover. He started rolling over at his 6 mo appointment. I told the Dr. I was concerned that he wasn't rolling over, she had me put him on the table on his belly and wouldn't you know it, the kid just flipped right over. Ever since that day he hasn't stopped rolling. He often will start on one side of the living room and before Greg or I do much, he is across the room into something he shouldn't be. The days of leaving things on the floor are over! Owen loves to sit up and watch everything from a new perspective. He spent the first 5 months of his life on his back, and now he is ready for a new view, he lunges forward and then rocks back enjoying every moment until he falls over...then it's a new story. He has also discovered standing up. He loves to stand up and look around. With a little support from either Greg or I, he enjoys standing against the couch. Owen is completely fascinated by his hands. It is so funny to watch him slowly move each finger and study the movement as he does it. He has become so funny at eating time as well. He begins breathing hard, kicking his legs, and reaching for the bottle whenever he sees it coming. We started him on baby food shortly after my last post. He LOVES his rice and oatmeal cereal. He also enjoys bananas, pears, and sweet potatoes. He'll eat with a little less tolerance squash and yogurt. We have given him little puff cereal and he'll chomp on it. Sometimes he'll do okay with it and other times he dry heaves and we have to dig it out.
Owen is also very aware of what he wants and likes. He is obsessed with my watch. Everyday when I get home from work, he starts to grab at it. Once I take it off it is his personal chew toy. If I take it away, he screams and cries until I give it back. This is the only item he seems to not want to give up. Everything else we can distract him, but there is no distraction from the watch. He also loves to watch Baby Einstein videos. When in need, we can put a video on, and leave the room. Owen becomes paralyzed by the images on the TV.
Both Greg and I were able to spend a week with him over each of our Fall Breaks. Everyday he becomes more and more fun!
We can't wait for more fun to come with him!
Way back when I couldn't sit on my own: August
Go BRONCOS! October
As I was getting pictures ready for the post, it made me realize that we have not taken very many pictures over the past few months. I need to be much better.