Jun 19, 2008

I can't believe how much Owen has changed and grown in these past 3 months. It is hard to believe that he has been with us for 3 months. We love him so much, he truly is the love of our lives. Here are a few of the new tricks Owen has been up to. He is learning how to grab things and they go directly to his mouth no matter what it is. When toys aren't in is mouth you can count on his fist being there. He loves to suck on those fingers. He has also started to roll to the side when he is on his back. He kicks up his legs and rolls, he isn't consistant with it, but he tries. He is also doing a much better job of holding up his head. He loves to hold on to our fingers and be pulled up and sit there and watch the scenery. Owen has even started to laugh. However, he is a tough critic. It takes a lot of effort to make him laugh and it is only funny once, but we love it when it happens.
In the morning Owen can't wait for Daddy to get him out of bed. They sit and talk together for quite awhile before he is ready to eat. After I feed Owen, we sit in bed and hang out together. It is so great to have him around. We hope you enjoy these pictures of our cute little man!

Jun 18, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

How exciting, it was Greg's first Father's Day. Unfortunately he was working. When he got off work, he came home and watched golf with the little guy. We then went over to his parents house for dinner. It was an enjoyable day.

Jun 6, 2008


Hurray!! Greg was recently offered a job as a 4th grade teacher in Douglas County School District. He had been covering for a lady at this school while she was on maternity leave, November- March. When the job opened Greg applied, but there were also two other applicants from within the school...tough competition. When all was said and done Greg was the one for the job. We are so excited and can't wait for him to get his own class.

Memorial Day Weekend!

Over Memorial Day weekend, we had the pleasure of my family, all 12 of them, come to Colorado to see Owen. We had such a good time just hanging out together. We went to a Rockies game, the park, dinner, and spent endless hours playing the Wii. On Sunday Greg blessed Owen at church. It was so great to see him do that. It was a very special moment. After church, Greg's family and mine came over to the house for lunch and to hang out. We really appreciate everyone supporting us, and making the effort to come out here. Thanks!

A New Chief in Town!

Up until now, Greg has been in charge of the family blog. However, we (he) hasn't been very good at keeping it updated. Now that we have Owen, we have a good reason to keep it updated with the happenings of the Lindblooms. Hopefully with me being home for the summer, I will get in the habit of posting regularly. I hope you all enjoy!